Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки

bottom aerial

  • 1 нижняя антенна

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > нижняя антенна

  • 2 подфюзеляжная антенна

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > подфюзеляжная антенна

  • 3 нижняя антенна

    Русско-английский аэрокосмический словарь > нижняя антенна

  • 4 подфюзеляжная антенна

    Русско-английский аэрокосмический словарь > подфюзеляжная антенна

  • 5 нижняя антенна

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > нижняя антенна

  • 6 подфюзеляжная антенна

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > подфюзеляжная антенна

  • 7 высота

    depth, ( волны) crest elevation, elevation, height
    * * *
    высота́ ж.
    2. ( звука) pitch
    3. (вертикальный размер балки, сосуда и т. п.) depth
    5. ( небесного тела) altitude, elevation
    абсолю́тная высота́ ( над уровнем моря) — true altitude (Не путать с absolute altitude и́стинная высота́ — высота над местностью. Note. Not to be confused with absolute altitude which comes over as и́стинная высота́ in Russian.)
    высота́ анте́нны — height of an aerial
    высота́ анте́нны, эффекти́вная — effective aerial height
    высота́ апоге́я — altitude at apogee
    высота́ ба́лки — depth of a girder
    высота́ ба́ра ( врубовой машины) — cutting height
    барометри́ческая высота́ — barometric altitude
    безопа́сная высота́ ( полёта самолёта) — safe height, safe altitude
    высота́ бё́рда — depth of the reed
    высота́ бо́рта ( судна) — depth
    высота́ бо́рта, обме́рная — tonnage depth
    высота́ бо́рта, расчё́тная — moulded depth
    высота́ бо́рта, теорети́ческая — moulded depth
    высота́ вса́сывания ( насоса) — suction lift, suction head
    высота́ в свету́ — clear height
    габари́тная высота́ — overall height; (для перевозок по железной дороге и т. п.) clearance height
    высота́ гео́ида — geoidal rise
    высота́ гла́за наблюда́теля — height of the eye
    высота́ гнезда́ поча́тка текст. — length of a cop bit, length of a cop bottom
    высота́ голо́вки зу́ба ( шестерни) — (tooth) addendum
    высота́ забо́я — working head
    высота́ зава́лки метал.charging level
    высота́ зару́бной ще́ли — cut height, kerf thickness
    высота́ за́сыпи ( доменной печи) — position of a stock line, stock-line level
    высота́ зву́ка — pitch of a tone
    высота́ зо́ны охлажде́ния тепл.dew-point depression
    высота́ зу́ба ( шестерни) — depth of a tooth
    высота́ зу́ба, по́лная — total depth of a tooth
    высота́ зу́ба, рабо́чая — working [contact] depth of a tooth
    высота́ зу́ба, теорети́ческая — total [whole] depth of a tooth
    высота́ инструме́нта топ.the horizon of an instrument
    испра́вленная высота́ навиг.corrected altitude
    и́стинная высота́ — absolute altitude
    исхо́дная высота́ — reference altitude
    клинометри́ческая высота́ — clinometric height
    кома́ндная высота́ топ.commanding ground
    кре́йсерская высота́ ав. — cruising height, cruising altitude
    меридиона́льная высота́ — meridian altitude
    метацентри́ческая высота́ — metacentric height
    наблюда́емая высота́ — apparent altitude
    высота́ надво́дного бо́рта ( судна) — free-board
    высота́ над у́ровнем мо́ря — altitude above sea-level
    высота́ на́сыпи — depth of a fill
    высота́ начи́нка текст. — length of a cop bit, length of a cop bottom
    высота́ небе́сного свети́ла — celestial altitude
    неприведё́нная высота́ — apparent altitude
    высота́ но́жки зу́ба ( шестерни) — (tooth) dedendum
    околомеридиа́нная высота́ — circummeridian altitude
    ортометри́ческая высота́ — orthometric elevation, orthometric height
    высота́ от пове́рхности гео́ида — geoidal rise
    высота́ от сферо́ида — spheroidal height
    высота́ очка́ ( литеры) — depth of a letter [body]
    высота́ паре́ния ( летательного аппарата на воздушной подушке) — hovering height
    высота́ периге́я — perigee altitude, altitude at perigee
    высота́ по давле́нию — pressure altitude
    высота́ пода́чи насо́са — the lift of a pump
    высота́ подбо́рки (травы, сена и т. п.) — collecting height
    высота́ подъё́ма
    1. (машины, орудия и т. п.) с.-х. lifting height
    3. ( подъёмно-транспортных средств) hoisting height, height of lift
    высота́ подъё́ма домкра́та — the lilt of a jack
    высота́ подъё́ма кла́пана — degree [height] of valve lift
    высота́ подъё́ма кра́на — the stroke of a crane
    высота́ подъё́ма на ходу́ ( аппарата на воздушной подушке) — cruising height
    высота́ подъё́ма сло́я намо́тки — pitch of a coil
    высота́ подэтажа́ горн.sublevel interval
    высота́ по инструме́нту геод.instrumental height
    высота́ полё́та — flight altitude
    высота́ по́люса — polar [pole] altitude
    высота́ помеще́ния — head room
    высота́ по пло́тности — density altitude
    высота́ по́ршня — piston depth
    высота́ по температу́ре — temperature altitude
    прибо́рная высота́ ав.indicated altitude
    высота́ прое́зжей ча́сти моста́ — depth of bridge floor
    высота́ пропи́ла лес.the length of a stroke
    высота́ про́филя резьбы́ — depth of thread
    пьезометри́ческая высота́ — piezometric head
    высота́ разли́вки ( металла из ковша) — pouring height
    высота́ самовса́сывания ( насоса) — self-suction lift
    высота́ сбро́са горн.fault throw
    высота́ сегме́нта геод.middle ordinate
    высота́ сече́ния — cross-sectional height
    высота́ сече́ния релье́фа — contour [vertical] interval
    высота́ сече́ния, эффекти́вная — effective depth of section
    высота́ сре́за ( режущего аппарата) с.-х.cutting height
    строи́тельная высота́ — structural [constructional] depth
    высота́ то́чки фотографи́рования — altimetric point
    углова́я высота́ — angle of elevation, angle of altitude
    уравнё́нная высота́ геод. — standard elevation, standard height
    высота́ фе́рмы — depth of truss
    высота́ хо́да пи́льной ра́мки — length of stroke, delivery head
    высота́ це́нтров ( над направляющими станка) — брит. swing; амер. height of centers
    высота́ че́рпания ( экскаватора) — digging height
    высота́ шва, расчё́тная метал.throat
    высота́ штабелё́вки ( проката) — piling height
    высота́ эта́жной укла́дки ( рулонов или пакетов) прок.stacking height
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > высота

  • 8 линия

    arc, branch ж.-д., circuit, strip line, line, pin
    * * *
    ли́ния ж.
    line; ( на графике) curve
    по ли́нии — in the line of …
    располага́ться на одно́й ли́нии — be in line [be lined up] with one another
    ли́нии расхо́дятся — lines diverge
    ли́нии схо́дятся — lines converge
    абоне́нтская ли́ния — subscriber's [individual, exchange] line, subscriber's loop
    абоне́нтская ли́ния заво́дится в многокра́тное по́ле [в по́ле остальны́х коммута́торов] — each subscriber's line appears in multiple at several operator's positions
    абоне́нтская, возду́шная ли́ния — customer open wire line, open wire loop
    абоне́нтская, индивидуа́льная ли́ния — individual [direct exchange] line, one-party telephone
    ли́ния а́бриса картогр.planimetric line
    ли́ния АВ ( электрокаротаж) — energizing [current, power] line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния маш. — (automatic) transfer line, transfer machine
    автомати́ческая, жестяноба́ночная ли́ния — automatic can-making line
    автомати́ческая, ко́мплексная ли́ния маш. — integrated transfer line; integrated manufacturing system
    автомати́ческая, перенала́живаемая ли́ния маш.versatile transfer line
    автомати́ческая, n [m2]-позици́онная ли́ния маш.n -station transfer line
    автомати́ческая, прямолине́йная ли́ния маш.in-line transfer machine
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с ги́бкой свя́зью маш.non-synchronous transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с жё́сткой свя́зью маш.synchronous transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния со спу́тниками маш.pallet type transfer line
    автомати́ческая, стано́чная ли́ния — transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с управле́нием от ЭВМ маш.computer-controlled transfer line
    агони́ческая ли́ния геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния а́зимута — azimuth line
    акусти́ческая ли́ния — acoustic line
    антисто́ксова ли́ния — anti-Stokes line
    ли́ния апси́д астр.line of apsides
    атмосфе́рная ли́ния тепл.air evacuation line
    ба́зисная ли́ния
    1. мат. reference line
    2. опт. base-line
    бесконе́чная ли́ния
    1. мат. line at infinity
    2. эл. infinite line
    ва́куумная (отка́чная) ли́ния — vacuum pump line
    ли́ния вало́в — line of shafting
    ли́ния верши́н зу́бьев шестерни́ — face line of teeth
    ли́ния взлё́тно-поса́дочной полосы́, осева́я — runway centre line
    ли́ния ви́димого горизо́нта — sky-line, horizon line
    ли́ния ви́димого ко́нтура ( на чертеже) — object line
    визи́рная ли́ния ( логарифмической линейки) — hair-line, indicator hair-line
    ли́ния визи́рования геод. — axis [line] of sight, observing [sight(ing) ] line
    винтова́я ли́ния — helical line, helix, spiral
    дви́гаться по винтово́й ли́нии — move in a helix [in a spiral]
    винтова́я, кони́ческая ли́ния — conical helix
    вихрева́я ли́ния мат. — vortex [whirl] line
    вихрева́я, за́мкнутая ли́ния мат.closed vortex line
    ли́ния влия́ния — influence line
    ли́ния вну́тренней свя́зи — inland circuit
    ли́ния возмуще́ний — Mach line
    ли́ния впа́дин шестерни́ — line of dents [dedendum line] of a gear
    ли́ния вса́сывания — suction line
    входна́я ли́ния вчт.input line
    ли́ния входя́щей свя́зи — incoming [inward] line
    ли́ния вы́борки вчт.select (ion) line
    выносна́я ли́ния ( на чертеже) — extension line
    выпускна́я ли́ния — exhaust line
    ли́ния выру́ливания ( со стоянки) ав.lead-off line
    ли́ния вы́ходов горн.outcrop line
    га́зовая ли́ния — gas line
    ли́ния генера́ции ( лазера) — lasing line
    геодези́ческая ли́ния — geodetic [geodesic] line
    ли́ния горизо́нта — sky-line, horizon line
    горизонта́льная ли́ния — level [horizontal] line
    горлова́я ли́ния мат. — striction line, line of striction (of a ruled surface)
    гребе́нчатая ли́ния элк.comb (transmission) line
    ли́ния давле́ния — pressure line
    ли́ния да́льности рлк.range line
    ли́ния движе́ния (частиц, электрона и т. п.) — trajectory
    ли́ния двоя́кой кривизны́ — line of double curvature, double-curved line
    ли́ния действи́тельного горизо́нта — true-horizon line
    ли́ния де́йствия — line of action
    ли́ния де́йствия си́лы — line of action of a force
    ли́ния де́йствия си́лы тя́жести — gravitational vertical
    ли́ния де́йствия тя́ги — thrust line, axis of thrust
    ли́ния де́йствующих забо́ев — line of active faces
    диагра́ммная ли́ния — (X-ray) diagram line
    ли́ния дислока́ций — dislocation line
    ли́ния дислока́ций выхо́дит на пове́рхность криста́лла — the dislocation line terminates at the surface of the crystal
    дифракцио́нная ли́ния — diffraction [diffracted] line
    дрена́жная ли́ния ( на самолёте) — vent line
    ли́ния ду́плекса, бала́нсная свз.duplex artificial line
    железнодоро́жная, грузонапряжё́нная ли́ния — heavy-traffic line
    железнодоро́жная, двухпу́тная ли́ния — double-track railway line
    железнодоро́жная, однопу́тная ли́ния — single-track railway line
    ли́ния жё́сткой тя́ги — pipe-line
    жи́рная ли́ния — heavy [heavily drawn] line
    ли́ния забо́ев — faces line
    ли́ния забо́ев, дугообра́зная — arched line of faces, arched faces line
    ли́ния забо́ев, искривлё́нная — bowed faces line
    ли́ния загоризо́нтной свя́зи — beyond-the-horizon [over-the-horizon] communication link
    ли́ния за́данного пути́ [ЛЗП] ав.брит. required [intended] track, track required, Tr. Req.; амер. course (line)
    ли́ния заде́ржки — delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, акусти́ческая — acoustic [sonic] delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки без поте́рь — dissipationless delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, водяна́я — water delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, герметизи́рованная — potted delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, иску́сственная — artificial delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ка́бельная — cable delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ква́рцевая — quartz delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, компенси́рованная — equalized delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, магнитострикцио́нная — magnetostrictive delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, многокра́тная — multiple delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ни́келевая — nickel delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, поло́сковая — strip delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, про́волочная — wire delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, регули́руемая — variable delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, рту́тная — mercury delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, спира́льная — helical [spiral] delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки с распределё́нными пара́метрами — distributed-constant delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки с сосредото́ченными пара́метрами — lumped-constant delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, твердоте́льная — solid-state (delay) line, solid delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ультразвукова́я — ultrasonic delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, электромагни́тная — electromagnetic delay line
    ли́ния заказна́я ли́ния тлф. — record operator's line, record circuit
    ли́ния залё́та топ.flight line
    ли́ния запасны́х забо́ев — line of reserved faces
    запрещё́нная ли́ния — forbidden line
    ли́ния зару́ливания ( на стоянку) ав.lead-in line
    заря́женная ли́ния — line of charge
    ли́ния застро́йки — building line
    ли́ния зацепле́ния голо́вок — head-line of contact, top line of action
    ли́ния зацепле́ния но́жек зу́бьев — dedendum line of contact
    зна́ковая ли́ния мат.directed line
    золоспускна́я ли́ния — sluice discharge pipe-line
    ли́ния зубча́того зацепле́ния — line of action
    ли́ния изги́ба ж.-д.curvature line
    ли́ния излуче́ния ла́зера — laser emission line
    измери́тельная ли́ния элк. — slotted [measuring] line, standing-wave meter
    и́мпульсная ли́ния ( в гидравлических и пневматических системах) — impulse line
    ли́ния инфильтра́ции — line of percolation
    ли́ния искажё́нных масшта́бов — zero line
    иску́сственная ли́ния эл.artificial line
    ли́ния исходя́щей свя́зи тлф. — outward [outgoing] line
    ли́ния кали́бра, нейтра́льная прок.neutral line of a groove
    ли́ния каса́ния — line of contact
    ли́ния каче́ния — line of rolling contact
    коаксиа́льная ли́ния — coaxial line
    коаксиа́льная, жё́сткая ли́ния — rigid coaxial line
    ли́ния кольцева́ния ав.cross-feed line
    кома́ндная ли́ния рлк.command link
    кома́ндная, проводна́я ли́ния рлк.wire command link
    конверсио́нная ли́ния — conversion line
    конта́ктная ли́ния эл.contact-wire line
    контро́льная ли́ния геод. — check(ing) [control, test] line
    ко́нтурная ли́ния (напр. на карте) — contour line
    ли́ния концентра́ции возмуще́ния — Mach line
    короткоза́мкнутая ли́ния — short-circuited line
    котида́льная ли́ния навиг.co-tidal line
    ли́ния крити́ческих то́чек аргд.stagnation line
    ли́ния ку́рса ав.брит. course (line); амер. heading
    ли́ния ку́рса курсово́го маяка́ — localizer course
    курсова́я ли́ния ав.heading line
    ла́зерная ли́ния — laser line
    ло́маная ли́ния — open polygon, broken [polygonal] line
    ли́ния Лю́дерса метал. — Lьder(s) [slip] line
    магистра́льная ли́ния — trunk [main] line
    ли́ния магни́тной инду́кции — line of magnetic flux, magnetic line of flux
    ма́зерная ли́ния — maser line
    ли́ния Ма́ки кфт.Mackie line
    меридиа́нная ли́ния — meridian line
    ме́рная ли́ния мор.trial course
    ли́ния метео́рной свя́зи — meteor-burst [meteor-scatter] link
    ли́ния нагнета́ния — discharge [delivery] line
    нагру́женная ли́ния эл., радиоloaded line
    назе́мная ли́ния — land [ground] line
    ли́ния наибо́льшего ска́та мат. — line of maximum inclination, steepest line (in a plane), line of greatest declivity
    ли́ния наиме́ньшего сопротивле́ния — line of least resistance
    ли́ния напла́вки — line of fusion
    ли́ния направле́ния съё́мки афс.course of flight
    направля́ющая ли́ния — directrix
    ли́ния насыще́ния — saturation line
    ли́ния нача́ла отсчё́та — fiducial (reference, zero, datum) line
    ли́ния неви́димого ко́нтура ( на чертеже) — invisible [hidden] line
    недиагра́ммная ли́ния — non-diagram (X-ray) line, X-ray satellite
    нейтра́льная ли́ния — neutral line
    неодноро́дная ли́ния свз. — non-uniform [heterogeneous] line
    непересека́ющаяся ли́ния — skew line
    неразрешё́нная ли́ния физ.unresolved peak
    несимметри́чная ли́ния свз.unbalanced line
    несо́бственная ли́ния мат.ideal line
    нивели́руемая ли́ния — line of levels
    нулева́я ли́ния — zero [null] line
    ли́ния нулево́го склоне́ния геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния нулевы́х значе́ний геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния обмета́ния ( гребного винта) — sweep line
    ли́ния обруше́ния горн.line of caving
    ли́ния обтека́ния — streamline
    одноро́дная ли́ния свз.uniform line
    осева́я ли́ния — axis, centre line
    ли́ния основа́ния зу́бьев ( шестерни) — bottom line of teeth
    ли́ния основа́ния карти́ны топ. — axis of homology, axis of perspective, perspective axis, ground line
    осно́вная ли́ния мор.base-line
    ли́ния отве́са геод.plumb (bob) line
    отве́сная ли́ния — tire vertical (line)
    отве́сная ли́ния задаё́тся отве́сом — the vertical [line] is assumed as a plumb-line
    ли́ния отде́лочных клете́й прок.finishing mill train
    ли́ния отко́са — shoulder [slope] line
    ли́ния отсчё́та — reference [dation] line
    ли́ния паде́ния горн.line of dip
    ли́ния па́лубы ( на теоретическом чертеже) — deck line, (на боковой проекции теоретического чертежа) sheer line
    ли́ния пе́ленга — bearing line, line of bearing
    ли́ния переда́чи эл., радио(transmission) line
    включа́ть ли́нию (переда́чи) на, напр. согласо́ванную нагру́зку — terminate a (transmission) line into, e. g., a matched load
    закора́чивать ли́нию переда́чи — short-circuit a (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи излуча́ет эне́ргию — a (transmission) line radiates
    ли́ния переда́чи без поте́рь — loss-free [lossless] line
    ли́ния переда́чи да́нных вчт.data line
    ли́ния переда́чи, дли́нная — long (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, закры́тая — close (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, коаксиа́льная — coaxial (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, многопроводна́я — multiwire (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, опти́ческая — optical transmission line
    ли́ния переда́чи, откры́тая — open (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, печа́тная элк.printed line
    ли́ния переда́чи, пневмати́ческая — airpressure line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая — strip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая несимметри́чная — microstrip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая, симметри́чная — strip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, полуволно́вая — half wave (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, разо́мкнутая на конце́ — open-ended (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи с больши́м затуха́нием — lossy line
    ли́ния переда́чи, сверхпроводя́щая — superconducting (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи с поте́рями — lossy line
    ли́ния переда́чи, трё́хпластинчатая — tri-plate line
    ли́ния переда́чи, узкополо́сная — narrowband (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, широкопо́лосная — wideband (transmission) line
    ли́ния перели́ва — overflow line
    ли́ния пересече́ния — line of intersection
    ли́ния перспекти́вы топ. — perspective line, perspective ray
    ли́ния пита́ния — supply [power] line
    пита́ющая ли́ния — incoming transmission line, feeder
    ли́ния погруже́ния, преде́льная мор.margin line
    подводя́щая ли́ния ( в гидравлических и пневматических системах) — feeding line
    ли́ния полё́та — flight path
    ли́ния положе́ния [ЛП] навиг. — line of position, position line, LP
    выходи́ть на ли́нию положе́ния — arrive at [strike] an LP
    оцифро́вывать ли́нию положе́ния коли́чеством микросеку́нд ра́зности вре́мени — identify a position line by its time-difference in ms
    ли́ния положе́ния, высо́тная — Sumner (position) line
    ли́ния положе́ния самолё́та [ЛПС] — aircraft-position line, APL
    полу́денная ли́ния геод. — magnetic north [meridian] line
    ли́ния по́ля — line of force, field line, line of field
    ли́ния постоя́нной интенси́вности ви́хрей — isocurlus
    ли́ния постоя́нной ско́рости — isovel
    пото́чная ли́ния — (continuous) production [flow] line
    сходи́ть с пото́чной ли́нии ( с конвейера) — roll off a production [flow] line
    по́ясная ли́ния ( кузова мобиля) — waistline
    ли́ния проги́ба — deflection [bending] line
    ли́ния прока́тки — rolling [mill] train
    ли́ния промежу́точного перегре́ва, горя́чая тепл.hot reheat line
    ли́ния промежу́точного перегре́ва, холо́дная тепл.cold reheat line
    ли́ния промерза́ния стр.frost line
    ли́ния простира́ния горн.strike line
    пряма́я ли́ния — straight line
    дви́гаться по прямы́м ли́ниям — move [travel] in straight lines
    ли́ния прямо́й ви́димости — line-of-sight
    пункти́рная ли́ния — dotted line
    ли́ния пути́ — track line, course line (Примечание. на практике в английской литературе наблюдается смешение track с course.)
    рабо́чая ли́ния проце́сса хим.operating line
    ли́ния ра́вного потенциа́ла — co-potential line
    ли́ния равноде́нствия — equinoctial line
    ли́ния ра́вных высо́т геод.line of equal elevation
    ли́ния ра́вных пе́ленгов самолё́та [ЛРПС] — line of bearings
    получа́ть ли́нии ра́вных пе́ленгов самолё́та — develop lines of bearings
    ли́ния ра́вных скоросте́й — isotach
    радиопроводна́я ли́ния — combined radio and wire link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи — radio link, radio circuit
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная — microwave line-of-signal, radio link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная бли́жняя — short-haul radio link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная да́льняя — long-haul radio link
    радиотелеметри́ческая ли́ния — radio-telemetry link
    ли́ния радиотелефо́нной свя́зи — radiotelephone circuit
    ли́ния развё́ртки рлк., тлв. — beam trace, sweep-trace, scan(ning) trace
    ли́ния разде́ла — boundary (line)
    разме́рная ли́ния ( на чертеже) — dimension line
    ли́ния разре́за ( на чертеже) — cutting line
    разрешё́нная ли́ния
    1. resolved peak
    2. permissible [allowed] line
    ли́ния разъё́ма моде́ли литейн. — parting [joint] line of a pattern
    ли́ния разъё́ма фо́рмы литейн. — parting [joint] line of a mould
    ли́ния разъё́ма шта́мпа — die [flash] line
    распада́ющаяся ли́ния мат.decomposed line
    ли́ния распростране́ния — line of propagation
    расто́почная ли́ния тепл.start-up line
    ли́ния расшире́ния — expansion line
    реги́стровая ли́ния свз.sender link
    ли́ния регре́ссии — regression line, line of regression
    ли́ния ре́зания горн. — cutting line, cutting horizon
    резона́нсная ли́ния — resonance line
    ре́перная ли́ния — datum line
    ли́ния рециркуля́ции тепл.recirculation line
    ли́ния сбро́са горн.fault line
    ли́ния сверхрешё́тки крист.superlattice line
    сверхструкту́рная ли́ния — superstructure line
    ли́ния свя́зи — communication line, communication link
    демонти́ровать ли́нию свя́зи — dismantle a (communication) line
    освобожда́ть ли́нию свя́зи ( об абоненте) — get off [clear] the (communication) line
    передава́ть ли́нию свя́зи в эксплуата́цию — open a [the] (communication) line [circuit] for traffic
    посыла́ть (сигна́л) в ли́нию свя́зи — transmit to a (communication) line
    ли́ния свя́зи испо́льзуется для, напр. телефони́и — the (communication) line carries, e. g., telephony
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи — use a (communication) line for multichannel operation
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи, напр. 10 кана́лами — multiplex [derive], e. g., 10 channels on a (communication) line
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи с вре́менным разделе́нием сигна́лов — time-multiplex a (communication) line, use a line for time-division multiplex
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи с часто́тным разделе́нием сигна́лов — frequency-multiplex a (communication) line, use a line for frequency-division multiplex
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи фанто́мной це́лью — phantom a (communication) line, set up [derive] a phantom circuit on a (communication) line
    ли́ния свя́зи, возду́шная — aerial line
    ли́ния связи́, двухпроводна́я — two-wire line, two-wire circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, двухце́пная — double-circuit line
    ли́ния свя́зи, ка́бельная — cable line
    ли́ния свя́зи, комбини́рованная — composite communication link
    ли́ния свя́зи, ме́стная — local circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, объединя́ющая тлф., телегр.concentration line
    ли́ния свя́зи, однопроводна́я — single-wire circuit, single-wire line
    ли́ния свя́зи, одноцепна́я — single-circuit line
    ли́ния свя́зи, отходя́щая — offgoing line
    ли́ния свя́зи, при́городная тлф., телегр. — suburban line, short-haul toll circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, пупинизи́рованная — coil-loaded line
    ли́ния свя́зи, радиореле́йная — microwave relay [radio-relay] link
    ли́ния свя́зи, ретрансляцио́нная — relay link
    ли́ния свя́зи, служе́бная — order circuit, engineers order wire
    ли́ния свя́зи, спа́ренная — two-party line
    ли́ния свя́зи, спу́тниковая — satellite communication link
    ли́ния свя́зи, столбова́я — pole line
    ли́ния свя́зи, тропосфе́рная — troposcatter [tropospheric-scatter] link
    ли́ния свя́зи, уплотнё́нная — multiplexed [multichannel] line
    ли́ния сгора́ния — combustion [ignition] line
    секу́щая ли́ния — secant
    ли́ния се́тки координа́т — grid line
    ли́ния сжа́тия — compression line
    силова́я ли́ния — line of force, field line, line of field
    силова́я, магни́тная ли́ния — magnetic line of force
    ли́ния скачка́ уплотне́ния — shock line
    ли́ния скольже́ния
    1. glide line
    2. метал. slip line
    сливна́я ли́ния — drain line
    слоева́я ли́ния крист.layer line
    сма́зочная ли́ния — lubrication line
    ли́ния сме́ны дат — date line
    ли́ния смеще́ния — displacement line
    соедини́тельная ли́ния ( между коммутационными узлами) тлф.брит. junction (route), (inter-exchange) junction circuit; амер. trunk
    назнача́ть соедини́тельную ли́нию — allot a junction (route), assign a trunk
    соедини́тельная, входя́щая ли́ния тлф.incoming junction (route)
    соедини́тельная, исходя́щая ли́ния тлф.outgoing junction (route)
    соедини́тельная, транзи́тная ли́ния тлф. — through-traffic junction (route), tandem [built-up] trunk
    ли́ния сопротивле́ния, расчё́тная — calculated line of resistance
    спектра́льная ли́ния — spectral [spectrum] line
    выделя́ть спектра́льную, ли́нию — isolate a spectral line
    спектра́льная ли́ния раздва́ивается — the spectral line splits
    спектра́льные ли́нии сближа́ются — (the) spectral lines crowd together
    спектра́льные ли́нии сгуща́ются — (the) spectral lines crowd together
    спектра́льные ли́нии характеризу́ют [позволя́ют определя́ть] веще́ства — substances are identified by spectral lines
    спектра́льная, враща́тельная ли́ния — rotational spectral line
    спектра́льная, интенси́вная ли́ния — strong spectral line
    спектра́льная, колеба́тельная ли́ния — vibrational spectral line
    спектра́льная, ло́жная ли́ния — ghost spectral line
    спектра́льная ли́ния поглоще́ния — absorption spectral line
    спектра́льная, размы́тая ли́ния — diffuse spectral line
    спектра́льная, рентге́новская ли́ния — X-ray spectral line
    спектра́льная, сла́бая ли́ния — faint spectral line
    спира́льная ли́ния — spiral (line), helix
    ли́ния сплавле́ния — (weld-)fusion line
    сплошна́я ли́ния ( на чертеже) — full [solid] line
    спра́вочная ли́ния тлф. — information [inquiry] circuit
    сре́дняя ли́ния валко́в прок.roll parting line
    сре́дняя ли́ния про́филя прок.camber line
    сре́дняя ли́ния трапе́ции — median of a trapezoid
    ли́ния степене́й то́чности — line of precision
    сто́ксова ли́ния ( спектра) — Stokes line
    стрикцио́нная ли́ния — gorge [striction] line, line of striction
    ли́ния сходи́мости — convergence line
    ли́ния теку́чести — flow line
    телеметри́ческая ли́ния — telemetry link
    телефо́нная ли́ния — ( совокупность технических устройств) telephone line; ( в переносном значении) connection
    занима́ть (телефо́нную) ли́нию — hold the connection
    освободи́ть (телефо́нную) ли́нию — clear the line
    прове́рить (телефо́нную) ли́нию на за́нятость — test a line for the engaged condition
    (телефо́нная) ли́ния занята́ ( ответ оператора) — the line is busy [engaged]
    теорети́ческая ли́ния мор.moulded line
    технологи́ческая ли́ния — production line
    ли́ния то́ка
    1. аргд. stream-line
    визуализи́ровать [де́лать ви́димой] ли́нию то́ка — visualize the stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, визуализи́рованная — traced stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка в крити́ческой то́чке — stagnation stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, крити́ческая — stagnation stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, раздели́тельная — discriminating [dividing] stream-line
    то́лстая ли́ния ( на чертеже) — heavy line
    трансмиссио́нная ли́ния — transmission line, continuous line of shafting
    ли́ния труб — run of pipes
    ли́ния тя́ги — draft line
    ли́ния уда́ра — line of impact
    узлова́я ли́ния — nodal line
    уравни́тельная ли́ния тепл.equalizing line
    ли́ния у́ровня мат. — contour [level] line, level curve
    ли́ния факти́ческого пути́ ав.брит. track made good, TMG; амер. track
    фока́льная ли́ния — focal line
    ли́ния фо́кусов аргд.aerodynamic centre line
    форва́куумная ли́ния — roughing-down line
    ли́ния форм релье́фа геод. — form [landform] line
    фраунго́феровы ли́нии — Fraunhofer-lines
    характеристи́ческая ли́ния — characteristic line
    ходова́я ли́ния геод., топ. — computation course, computation line, route
    холоста́я ли́ния эл.unloaded line
    ли́ния хо́рды ав.chord line
    ли́ния це́нтров — line of centres, centre line
    ли́ния це́нтров давле́ния — centre-of-pressure line
    цепна́я ли́ния мат. — catenary, catenary curve, catenary line
    ли́ния четырёхвалко́вых клете́й прок.quarto train
    чистова́я петлева́я ли́ния прок.looping finishing train
    ли́ния широты́ навиг.line of latitude
    ли́ния шри́фта — type line
    ли́ния шри́фта, ве́рхняя — top line of type face
    ли́ния шри́фта, ни́жняя — bottom line of type face
    штрихпункти́рная ли́ния — dash-dot line
    эквипотенциа́льная ли́ния — equipotential line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи [ЛЭП] — (electric) power line
    меня́ть ли́нию электропереда́чи — re-string a power line
    наве́шивать ли́нию электропереда́чи — string a (power) line
    осуществля́ть высокочасто́тную обрабо́тку ли́нии электропереда́чи — install carrier-frequency trapping and coupling equipment on a power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи (нахо́дится) под напряже́нием — the power line is hot [live]
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, возду́шная — aerial power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи высо́кого напряже́ния — high-voltage power lire
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, грозоупо́рная — lightning-resistant power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, ка́бельная — cable power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, подзе́мная — underground [buried] power line
    этало́нная ли́ния — standard line
    ли́ния этало́нной заде́ржки — standard delay line

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > линия

  • 9 versenken

    I v/t
    1. (Schiff etc., auch Schatz etc.) sink
    2. in die Erde: lower (in +Akk into)
    3. TECH. etc. (auch Bühne) lower; (Teil) auch fold down; (Antenne etc.) retract; (Schraube) countersink
    II v/refl: sich versenken in (+ Akk) immerse o.s. in; in ein Buch etc.: become engrossed in
    * * *
    to engulf
    * * *
    ver|sẹn|ken ptp verse\#nkt
    1. vt
    1) Schatz, Behälter, Bohrinsel to sink; Leiche, Sarg to lower; Schiff to sink, to send to the bottom; das eigene Schiff to scuttle

    den Kopf in ein Buch versenken — to bury one's head in a book, to immerse oneself in a book

    2) Schraube to countersink; Tischplatte to fold away; (THEAT) to lower

    eine Nähmaschine, die man versenken kann — a foldaway sewing machine

    2. vr

    versenken — to become immersed in sth; in Gedanken auch, in Anblick to lose oneself in sth

    * * *
    1) (to (cause to) go down below the surface of water etc: The torpedo sank the battleship immediately; The ship sank in deep water.) sink
    2) sink
    * * *
    ver·sen·ken *
    I. vt
    etw \versenken to sink sth
    das eigene Schiff \versenken to scuttle one's own ship
    etw \versenken Ball, Kugel to sink sth fam
    den Ball ins Netz [o Tor] \versenken FBALL to send the ball into the back of the net
    etw \versenken to lower sth
    die Scheinwerfer \versenken to retract the headlights
    etw in etw akk \versenken to lower sth into sth
    eine Bohrung \versenken to countersink a bore
    II. vr (geh)
    sich akk in etw akk \versenken to immerse oneself [or become engrossed] in sth
    sich akk ganz in sich akk selbst \versenken to become totally absorbed in oneself
    * * *
    1) sink < ship>; lower <body, coffin>
    2) (verschwinden lassen) lower, retract <aerial, rostrum, etc.>
    * * *
    A. v/t
    1. (Schiff etc, auch Schatz etc) sink
    2. in die Erde: lower (
    in +akk into)
    3. TECH etc (auch Bühne) lower; (Teil) auch fold down; (Antenne etc) retract; (Schraube) countersink
    B. v/r:
    sich versenken in (+akk) immerse o.s. in; in ein Buch etc: become engrossed in
    * * *
    1) sink < ship>; lower <body, coffin>
    2) (verschwinden lassen) lower, retract <aerial, rostrum, etc.>
    * * *
    to countersink v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: countersank, countersunk)
    to engulf v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > versenken

  • 10 точка

    dot, period вчт., full point полигр., point, site, spot, ( знак препинания) full stop
    * * *
    то́чка ж.
    1. мат. point
    в то́чке — at (the) point …
    взять отме́тку то́чки геод. — take a point, determine [establish] the elevation of a point
    исходи́ть из то́чки — issue [radiate, extend, emanate] from a point
    переводи́ть то́чку из положе́ния x0 в положе́ние x1 киб.steer x0 to x1
    с вы́кинутой то́чкой — punctured (e. g., of an interval)
    4. ( затачивание) grinding, sharpening
    то́чка аэросни́мка, гла́вная — principal point of an aerial photograph
    находи́ть гла́вную то́чку аэросни́мка — locate the principal point of an aerial photograph
    ба́зисная то́чка — base mark, base point
    барометри́ческая то́чка — barometrical (levelling) point
    бесконе́чно удалё́нная то́чка — point at infinity, infinite point, infinity
    взаи́мно обра́тная то́чка — inverse point
    взаи́мно сопряжё́нная то́чка — conjugate point
    то́чка визи́рования — point of sight, aiming [bearing, sighting] point
    внеосева́я то́чка — extra-axis point
    то́чка воды́, тройна́я — triple point of water
    то́чка воспламене́ния — ignition point
    то́чка вспы́шки — flash point
    то́чка вхо́да в програ́мму или подпрогра́мму вчт.entry point to a program or a subprogram
    то́чка вы́хода на орби́ту — point of injection into orbit
    гла́вная то́чка — principal point
    диакрити́ческая то́чка ( на кривой намагничивания) — diacritical point
    то́чка зажига́ния — firing point
    то́чка заме́ра — measuring point; measuring station
    то́чка замерза́ния — freezing point
    то́чка засто́я мех.stagnation point
    то́чка затвердева́ния — solidification point
    то́чка затвердева́ния зо́лота — gold point
    то́чка затвердева́ния серебра́ — silver point
    то́чка зени́та — zenith point
    зерка́льная то́чка — mirror point
    то́чка зре́ния — point of view, standpoint
    иденти́чная то́чка топ. — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    то́чка изло́ма криво́й — breakpoint
    изобража́ющая то́чка — representative point
    изоли́рованная то́чка — isolated point, acnode
    то́чка испаре́ния — evaporating [vaporization] point
    исхо́дная то́чка — datum [reference] point, origin; геод., топ. main base, head-of-the-line, initial [starting] point
    кардина́льная то́чка опт.cardinal point
    то́чка каса́ния — point of tangency
    то́чка каса́ния Земли́ ( самолетом) — touch-down point
    то́чка кипе́ния — boiling point
    повыша́ть то́чку кипе́ния — elevate the boiling point (of …)
    пони́жать то́чку кипе́ния — depress the boiling point (of …)
    то́чка кипе́ния, нача́льная — initial boiling point
    то́чка конверге́нции геод., картогр.convergence point
    конденсацио́нная то́чка — condensation point
    коне́чная то́чка
    1. геод., топ. finishing [terminal] point
    2. ( титрования) end point
    то́чка конта́кта — contact point
    контро́льная то́чка — check point
    кра́тная то́чка — multiple point
    крити́ческая то́чка
    1. critical point
    2. аргд. stagnation point
    крити́ческая то́чка при охлажде́нии метал. — Ar -point
    то́чка Кюри́, магни́тная — Curie point, magnetic transition temperature
    то́чка магистра́ли, нача́льная геод.initial mark of the base (line)
    материа́льная то́чка — material point, particle
    мё́ртвая то́чка
    1. ( трубопровода) anchoring point
    мё́ртвая, ве́рхняя то́чка — top dead centre
    мё́ртвая, ни́жняя то́чка — bottom dead centre
    то́чка минима́льного подхо́да — the closest point of approach
    то́чка ми́нимума то́ка ( туннельного диода) — valley point
    то́чка наблюде́ния геод., топ. — point of observation, point of sight, point of view, aiming point
    то́чка нади́ра — nadir point, photographic nadir
    то́чка насыще́ния — saturation point
    нейтра́льная то́чка — neutral point
    то́чка неопределё́нности мат.ambiguous point
    неосо́бая то́чка мат. — regular [nonsingular] point
    нивели́рная то́чка — point of level(ling), level(l)ing point
    нулева́я то́чка — null [zero] point
    нулева́я, иску́сственная то́чка эл.artificial earthing point
    опо́рная то́чка — (point of) control
    опо́рная, высо́тная то́чка — vertical control point
    опо́рная, пла́новая то́чка — horizontal [plan] control point
    то́чка опо́ры — point of support, point of bearing, supporting point, fulcrum
    то́чка осажде́ния — precipitation point
    осо́бая то́чка мат. — singular point, singularity
    то́чка отбо́ра электропита́ния (особ. для бытовых приборов) — convenience outlet
    отождествлё́нная то́чка — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    то́чка отры́ва пото́ка аргд. — separation [break-away] point
    то́чка переги́ба криво́й — inflection point, point of inflection
    то́чка пересече́ния — intersection point, cross-point, point of intersection
    то́чка перехо́да — transition point
    то́чка перехо́да в жи́дкую фа́зу — liquefaction point
    то́чка плавле́ния — melting [fusion] point
    то́чка поворо́та — turning point
    пограни́чная то́чка — boundary point
    то́чка подключе́ния ( в теории цепей) — terminal
    то́чка поко́я — stationary [rest] point, point of rest
    полигонометри́ческая то́чка — transit [traverse, polygonometric] point
    то́чка полови́нной мо́щности — half-power point
    то́чка помутне́ния — cloud point
    потенциа́льно заземлё́нная то́чка — брит. virtual earth; амер. virtual ground
    то́чка превраще́ния — transformation point
    то́чка привя́зки геод., топ. — point of reference, junction [tie] point
    то́чка приложе́ния нагру́зки — load point
    то́чка приложе́ния подъё́мной си́лы — lift centre, centre of lift
    то́чка приложе́ния си́лы — point of application, force point
    рабо́чая то́чка ( на характеристике радиолампы) — operating [quiescent, Q] point
    то́чка равнове́сия — equilibrium point
    то́чка разветвле́ний — branch point; ( на структурных схемах систем регулирования) (data) take-off point
    то́чка разветвле́ния схе́мы — junction point of a network
    то́чка размягче́ния — softening point
    то́чка разры́ва непреры́вности аргд.discontinuity (point)
    ра́стровая то́чка полигр. — screen [half-tone] dot
    то́чка ре́перная то́чка
    1. datum [reference] point
    2. ( термометра) fixed point
    то́чка росы́ — dew point
    сварна́я то́чка — spot weld, weld spot
    то́чка сво́да, вы́сшая — roof crown
    седлова́я то́чка мат.saddle point
    то́чка сма́зки — lubrication point
    то́чка с нулевы́м потенциа́лом — point at zero potential, datum point
    соотве́тственная то́чка топ. — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    сопряжё́нная то́чка — conjugate point
    сре́дняя то́чка — midpoint
    сре́дняя то́чка на обмо́тке (напр. трансформатора) — centre tap
    то́чка сры́ва пото́ка аргд. — separation [burble] point
    то́чка стеклова́ния — glass-transition point
    то́чка стоя́ния геод., топ. — point of observation, point of sight, point of view, aiming point
    сумми́рующая то́чка ( в операционном усилителе) — summing junction
    то́чка схо́да мат.vanishing point
    счисли́мая то́чка навиг. — dead-reckoning [D.R.] position
    то́чка та́яния — melting point
    то́чка теку́чести — flow point
    тройна́я то́чка — triple point
    узлова́я то́чка мат. — nodal point, node
    устано́вочная то́чка — work point
    то́чка шарни́ра — hinge point
    эвтекти́ческая то́чка — eutectic point
    эквивале́нтная то́чка ( в титровании) — equivalence point

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > точка

  • 11 poco

    not much, a small amount of, a small quantity of, little.
    little, not very, not much.
    * * *
    1 little (plural) few, not many
    1 little (en plural) not many
    1 little, not much
    voy poco por allí I rarely go there, I go there very little
    1 a little, a bit
    ¿me das un poco? could you give me a little?
    a poco de shortly after
    dentro de poco soon, presently
    hace poco not long ago
    pocas veces rarely, not often, seldom
    poco a poco slowly, gradually, bit by bit
    poco antes shortly before
    poco después shortly afterwards
    poco después de shortly after
    poco más o menos more or less
    poco menos que almost, nearly
    por poco nearly
    por si fuera poco as if that weren't enough, to top it all, on top of everything
    1 little (en plural) not many
    1 little, not much
    voy poco por allí I rarely go there, I go there very little
    * * *
    1. adv.
    little, few
    - por poco 2. (f. - poca)
    little, few
    3. (f. - poca)
    little, few, not much
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] little, not much

    tenemos poco tiempo — we have little time, we don't have much time

    hay muy poco queso — there's very little cheese, there's hardly any cheese

    con poco respeto — with little respect, with scant respect

    el provecho es poco — the gain is small, there isn't much to gain

    poca cosa, no te preocupes por tan poca cosa — don't worry about such a little thing

    comemos, jugamos a cartas, leemos y poca cosa más — we eat, play cards, read and do little else o and that's about it

    es poca cosa(=no mucho) it's not much; (=no importante) it's nothing much

    es muy guapa pero poca cosa — she's very pretty, but there isn't much to her

    y por si fuera poco — and as if that weren't enough, and to cap it all

    2) [en plural] few, not many

    pocos niños saben que... — few o not many children know that...

    tiene pocos amigos — he has few friends, he hasn't got many friends

    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]
    a) (=poca cosa)

    un poco — a bit, a little

    -¿tienes frío? -un poco — "are you cold?" - "a bit o a little"

    he bebido un poco, pero no estoy borracho — I've had a bit to drink, but I'm not drunk

    estoy un poco tristeI am rather o a little sad

    un poco como, es un poco como su padre — he's rather o a bit like his father

    un poco de, un poco de dinero — a little money

    ¡un poco de silencio! — let's have some quiet here!

    c) [referido a tiempo] not long

    tardaron poco en hacerlo — it didn't take them long to do it, they didn't take long to do it

    a poco de — shortly after

    cada poco — every so often

    dentro de poco — shortly, soon

    poco despuésshortly after

    hace poco — not long ago

    fuimos a verla hace poco — we visited her not long ago, we visited her quite recently

    la conozco desde hace poco — I haven't known her long, I've only known her for a short while

    2) [en plural] few

    pocos son los que... — there are few who...

    como hay pocos —

    3. ADV
    1) [con verbos] not much, little

    cuesta poco — it doesn't cost much, it costs very little

    vamos poco a Madrid — we don't go to Madrid much, we hardly ever go to Madrid

    lo estiman poco — they hardly value it at all, they value it very little

    2) [con adjetivos: se traduce a menudo por medio de un prefijo]

    poco inteligente — unintelligent, not very intelligent

    3) [otras locuciones]

    ¡poco a poco! — steady on!, easy does it!


    ¿a poco? — never!, you don't say!

    ¡a poco no! — not much! *

    ¿a poco no? — (well) isn't it?

    ¿a poco crees que...? — do you really imagine that...?

    de a poco — LAm gradually

    tener en poco, tiene en poco a su jefe — she doesn't think much of her boss

    por poco — almost, nearly

    por poco me ahogoI almost o nearly drowned

    a poco que, a poco que pueda — if at all possible

    a poco que corras, lo alcanzas — if you run now you'll catch it

    * * *

    ... con lo poco que le gusta el arroz —... and he doesn't even like rice; para locs ver poco III 4)

    - ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little; ( en plural) few

    qué poco sentido común tienes! — you don't have much common sense, do you?

    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco — it was amazing, I can't (even) begin to tell you

    - ca pronombre
    1) (poca cantidad, poca cosa)

    por poco que gane... — no matter how little o however little she earns...

    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas — buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left

    a poco de venir élsoon o shortly after he came

    poco antes de que... — a short while o shortly before...


    un poco de: un poco de pimienta/vino a little (bit of) pepper/wine; come un poco de jamón — have a bit of ham


    un poco + adj/adv: un poco caro/tarde — a bit o a little expensive/late

    a poco — (Méx)

    ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? — don't you read the newspapers?

    de a poco — (AmL) gradually

    en poco: en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come; tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives; me tienes bien en poco si crees que... you can't think very highly o much of me if you think...; poco a poco gradually; poco más o menos approximately, roughly; poco menos que nearly; poco menos que la mata (fam) he almost killed her; poco menos que los echan a patadas (fam) they practically kicked them out; por poco — nearly

    * * *
    = little [less -comp., least -sup.], low [lower -comp., lowest -sup.], scant, trifle, tad, little in the way of.
    Ex. Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
    Ex. Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
    Ex. Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
    Ex. She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
    Ex. Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
    Ex. Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    * abultar poco = be skimpy.
    * acercarse poco a poco (a) = edge (toward(s)).
    * actuar con poca consideración hacia = play + fast and loose with.
    * agua poco profunda = shallow water.
    * aguas poco profundas = shallows.
    * alimentos poco saludables = unhealthy foods.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * avanzar poco a poco (hacia) = edge (toward(s)).
    * cada pocos años = every few years.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comportamiento poco cívico = uncivic behaviour.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con poca claridad = indistinctly.
    * con poca exactitud = loosely.
    * con poca experiencia = inexperienced.
    * con poca iluminación = dimly illuminated.
    * con poca imaginación = unimaginatively.
    * con poca naturalidad = stiltedly.
    * con poca población = thinly populated.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * con poca visión de futuro = short-sighted [shortsighted].
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * con poco entusiasmo = half-heartedly.
    * con pocos recursos = under-resourced.
    * con pocos recursos económicos = low-budget.
    * consumir poco a poco = eat away at.
    * con tan poca antelación = at such short notice.
    * con tan poca anticipación = at such short notice.
    * correr poco a poco = eat away at.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    Ex. When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * dentro de poco = before long.
    * de población poco densa = sparsely populated.
    * de poca importancia = menial, small-time.
    * de poca monta = hack, small-time.
    * de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
    * de poco impacto = low impact [low-impact].
    * de poco peso = pat, feeble.
    * de poco provecho = fruitless.
    * de poco uso = low-use.
    * de poco valor = a dime a dozen.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durar poco = be short term.
    * echar poco a poco = dribble.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * en poco tiempo = before very long, in quite a short time, in a short time, in a short span of time.
    * en unos pocos años = within a few years.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * excusa poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * faltar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * faltar un poco = be some way off.
    * gente de poca importancia = small fry, the.
    * haber poca duda de que = there + be + little doubt that.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer que sea poco probable = render + unlikely.
    * hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
    * hace unos pocos días = a few days ago.
    * hasta hace muy poco = until recently, up until recently.
    * hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo = until relatively recently.
    * horas de poca actividad = slack hours.
    * horas de poco movimiento = slack hours.
    * introducirse poco a poco = ease + Reflexivo + in.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * mucho ruido para pocas nueces = much ado about nothing.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * operación de poca monta = one-room, one-person operation.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * período de poca actividad = slack time.
    * perro ladrador, poco mordedor = barking dogs seldom bite, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * poca cantidad = trickle.
    * poca cosa = small fry, the.
    * poca iluminación = poor lighting.
    * poca importancia = unimportance, low profile.
    * poca notoriedad = low profile.
    * poca probabilidad = slim chance.
    * poca severidad = lenience, leniency.
    * pocas expectativas = low expectation.
    * poca utilidad = unhelpfulness.
    * poco abundante = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco accesible = unapproachable.
    * poco acertado = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], injudicious.
    * poco acogedor = inhospitable.
    * poco aconsejable = unwise, inadvisable.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco + Adjetivo = slightly + Adjetivo, less than + Adjetivo.
    * poco afortunado = unhappy, ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco agraciado = ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco amable = off-putting, surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.], crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], unkind.
    * poco americano = un-American.
    * poco amistoso = off-putting, unfriendly.
    * poco antes de + Fecha = shortly before + Fecha.
    * poco a poco = gradually, piecemeal, slowly, incrementally, at a snail's pace, little by little, bit by bit.
    * poco apreciado = unappreciated.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco apto = inapt.
    * poco arriesgado = low-risk.
    * poco asequible = unapproachable.
    * poco atractivo = off-putting, unattractive, unglamorous, uninviting, unappealing.
    * poco atrevido = unadventurous.
    * poco audaz = unadventurous.
    * poco aventurero = unadventurous.
    * poco cabelleroso = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cálido = lukewarm.
    * poco científico = hit-or-miss, unscientific.
    * poco cívico = uncivic.
    * poco claro = confusing, fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco colaborador = unresponsive.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * poco competitivo = uncompetitive.
    * poco complicado = uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly.
    * poco comprensivo = unsympathetic.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco comunicativo = uncommunicative, reserved.
    * poco confortable = uncomfortable.
    * poco conocido = obscure, little known.
    * poco convencido = unconvinced.
    * poco convencional = unconventional.
    * poco convincente = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble.
    * poco convincentemente = unconvincingly.
    * poco correcto = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.
    * poco culto = unenlightened.
    * poco decidido = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * poco definido = blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco denso = rarefied.
    * poco deportivo = unsportsmanlike.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco diestro = poor-ability.
    * poco diplomático = indiscreet.
    * poco dispuesto = disinclined.
    * poco dispuesto a colaborar = uncooperative.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * poco económico = uneconomical.
    * poco efectivo = ineffectual.
    * poco eficaz = non-efficient.
    * poco elegante = inelegant, awkward, dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * poco embarazoso = unembarrassing.
    * poco entusiasta = half-hearted [halfhearted], lukewarm.
    * poco envidiable = unenviable.
    * poco estable = unsettled.
    * poco estético = unaesthetic.
    * poco estimulador = unchallenging.
    * poco estimulante = unexciting, uninspiring, unmoving.
    * poco estricto = lax.
    * poco ético = unethical.
    * poco evidente = unnoticed, unnoted.
    * poco exigente = untaxing, undemanding.
    * poco favorable = unpromising.
    * poco favorecedor = unflattering.
    * poco fiable = unreliable, undependable, flaky [flakey].
    * poco firme = tenuous, rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.].
    * poco flexible = monolithic, inelastic.
    * poco frecuente = infrequent.
    * poco fructífero = unfruitful.
    * poco gratificante = unrewarding, unsatisfying.
    * poco grato = unwelcome.
    * poco hábil = poor-ability.
    * poco habitual = unaccustomed.
    * poco halagador = unflattering.
    * poco halagüeño = unflattering.
    * poco hospitalario = inhospitable.
    * poco idóneo = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco iluminado = dimly illuminated.
    * poco imaginativo = unimaginative.
    * poco importante = menial, small-time.
    * poco impresionado = unimpressed.
    * poco informativo = uninformative.
    * poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poco inteligente = unintelligent.
    * poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco interesante = dull, jackdaw, uninteresting, uninspiring, unremarkable.
    * poco juicioso = injudicious.
    * poco justificado = ill-justified.
    * poco listo = underprepared.
    * poco maduro = underripe.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poco materialista = unworldly.
    * poco memorable = forgettable.
    * poco mundano = unwordly.
    * poco natural = unnatural, stilted.
    * poco nítido = untidy.
    * poco normal = unnatural, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco novedoso = trite.
    * poco original = unoriginal.
    * poco ortodoxo = unorthodox.
    * poco poblado = thinly populated.
    * poco práctico = impractical, awkward.
    * poco preparado = underprepared.
    * poco probable = unlikely, far-fetched [farfetched].
    * poco productivo = unproductive.
    * poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
    * poco profundo = shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.].
    * poco prometedor = bleak, unpromising.
    * poco propicio = unpromising, unpromising.
    * poco provechoso = fruitless, unrewarding.
    * poco prudente = ill-advised, ill-judged.
    * poco pulido = unpolished.
    * poco razonable = unreasonable.
    * poco realista = unrealistic, unreal, unwordly, way out in left field, airy-fairy.
    * poco recomendable = inadvisable.
    * poco refinado = unrefined, unpolished.
    * poco rentable = uneconomical.
    * poco representativo = unrepresentative.
    * poco romántico = unromantic.
    * poco sabido = little known.
    * poco saludable = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco sano = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco seguro = dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.].
    * poco sensato = ill-advised, injudicious, ill-judged.
    * poco sentimental = unsentimental.
    * poco serio = flippant.
    * poco sincero = insincere.
    * poco sistemático = sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.].
    * poco social = unsocial.
    * poco sofisticado = elementary, unsophisticated, corn-fed.
    * poco sólido = insubstantial.
    * poco tiempo = short while, short time.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * poco tradicional = untraditional.
    * poco unido = loosely knit.
    * poco uniforme = patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.].
    * poco usado = little-used.
    * poco usual = unusual.
    * poco útil = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], unhelpful.
    * poquito a poco = little by little.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar uno pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por nombrar unos pocos = to name a few.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * pretexto poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * quedar un poco = be some way off.
    * quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * resultar poco fructífero = prove + unfruitful.
    * roer poco a poco = eat away at.
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * sacar poco a poco = tease out.
    * salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * sangre poco espesa = thin blood.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser poco = be under-provided.
    * ser poco agradecido = be thankless.
    * ser poco eficaz = do + little.
    * ser poco reconocido = be thankless.
    * ser pocos = be few in number, be small in number.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * servir de poco = be of little use.
    * servir de poco o nada = be of little or no avail.
    * solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * usado con poca frecuencia = seldom used [seldom-used].
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * utilizar poco = underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA].
    * vivienda poco digna = poor housing.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * * *

    ... con lo poco que le gusta el arroz —... and he doesn't even like rice; para locs ver poco III 4)

    - ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little; ( en plural) few

    qué poco sentido común tienes! — you don't have much common sense, do you?

    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco — it was amazing, I can't (even) begin to tell you

    - ca pronombre
    1) (poca cantidad, poca cosa)

    por poco que gane... — no matter how little o however little she earns...

    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas — buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left

    a poco de venir élsoon o shortly after he came

    poco antes de que... — a short while o shortly before...


    un poco de: un poco de pimienta/vino a little (bit of) pepper/wine; come un poco de jamón — have a bit of ham


    un poco + adj/adv: un poco caro/tarde — a bit o a little expensive/late

    a poco — (Méx)

    ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? — don't you read the newspapers?

    de a poco — (AmL) gradually

    en poco: en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come; tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives; me tienes bien en poco si crees que... you can't think very highly o much of me if you think...; poco a poco gradually; poco más o menos approximately, roughly; poco menos que nearly; poco menos que la mata (fam) he almost killed her; poco menos que los echan a patadas (fam) they practically kicked them out; por poco — nearly

    * * *
    = little [less -comp., least -sup.], low [lower -comp., lowest -sup.], scant, trifle, tad, little in the way of.

    Ex: Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.

    Ex: Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
    Ex: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
    Ex: She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
    Ex: Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
    Ex: Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    * abultar poco = be skimpy.
    * acercarse poco a poco (a) = edge (toward(s)).
    * actuar con poca consideración hacia = play + fast and loose with.
    * agua poco profunda = shallow water.
    * aguas poco profundas = shallows.
    * alimentos poco saludables = unhealthy foods.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * avanzar poco a poco (hacia) = edge (toward(s)).
    * cada pocos años = every few years.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comportamiento poco cívico = uncivic behaviour.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con poca claridad = indistinctly.
    * con poca exactitud = loosely.
    * con poca experiencia = inexperienced.
    * con poca iluminación = dimly illuminated.
    * con poca imaginación = unimaginatively.
    * con poca naturalidad = stiltedly.
    * con poca población = thinly populated.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * con poca visión de futuro = short-sighted [shortsighted].
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * con poco entusiasmo = half-heartedly.
    * con pocos recursos = under-resourced.
    * con pocos recursos económicos = low-budget.
    * consumir poco a poco = eat away at.
    * con tan poca antelación = at such short notice.
    * con tan poca anticipación = at such short notice.
    * correr poco a poco = eat away at.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    Ex: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * dentro de poco = before long.
    * de población poco densa = sparsely populated.
    * de poca importancia = menial, small-time.
    * de poca monta = hack, small-time.
    * de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
    * de poco impacto = low impact [low-impact].
    * de poco peso = pat, feeble.
    * de poco provecho = fruitless.
    * de poco uso = low-use.
    * de poco valor = a dime a dozen.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durar poco = be short term.
    * echar poco a poco = dribble.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * en poco tiempo = before very long, in quite a short time, in a short time, in a short span of time.
    * en unos pocos años = within a few years.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * excusa poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * faltar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * faltar un poco = be some way off.
    * gente de poca importancia = small fry, the.
    * haber poca duda de que = there + be + little doubt that.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer que sea poco probable = render + unlikely.
    * hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
    * hace unos pocos días = a few days ago.
    * hasta hace muy poco = until recently, up until recently.
    * hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo = until relatively recently.
    * horas de poca actividad = slack hours.
    * horas de poco movimiento = slack hours.
    * introducirse poco a poco = ease + Reflexivo + in.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * mucho ruido para pocas nueces = much ado about nothing.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * operación de poca monta = one-room, one-person operation.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * período de poca actividad = slack time.
    * perro ladrador, poco mordedor = barking dogs seldom bite, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * poca cantidad = trickle.
    * poca cosa = small fry, the.
    * poca iluminación = poor lighting.
    * poca importancia = unimportance, low profile.
    * poca notoriedad = low profile.
    * poca probabilidad = slim chance.
    * poca severidad = lenience, leniency.
    * pocas expectativas = low expectation.
    * poca utilidad = unhelpfulness.
    * poco abundante = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco accesible = unapproachable.
    * poco acertado = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], injudicious.
    * poco acogedor = inhospitable.
    * poco aconsejable = unwise, inadvisable.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco + Adjetivo = slightly + Adjetivo, less than + Adjetivo.
    * poco afortunado = unhappy, ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco agraciado = ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco amable = off-putting, surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.], crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], unkind.
    * poco americano = un-American.
    * poco amistoso = off-putting, unfriendly.
    * poco antes de + Fecha = shortly before + Fecha.
    * poco a poco = gradually, piecemeal, slowly, incrementally, at a snail's pace, little by little, bit by bit.
    * poco apreciado = unappreciated.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco apto = inapt.
    * poco arriesgado = low-risk.
    * poco asequible = unapproachable.
    * poco atractivo = off-putting, unattractive, unglamorous, uninviting, unappealing.
    * poco atrevido = unadventurous.
    * poco audaz = unadventurous.
    * poco aventurero = unadventurous.
    * poco cabelleroso = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cálido = lukewarm.
    * poco científico = hit-or-miss, unscientific.
    * poco cívico = uncivic.
    * poco claro = confusing, fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco colaborador = unresponsive.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * poco competitivo = uncompetitive.
    * poco complicado = uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly.
    * poco comprensivo = unsympathetic.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco comunicativo = uncommunicative, reserved.
    * poco confortable = uncomfortable.
    * poco conocido = obscure, little known.
    * poco convencido = unconvinced.
    * poco convencional = unconventional.
    * poco convincente = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble.
    * poco convincentemente = unconvincingly.
    * poco correcto = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.
    * poco culto = unenlightened.
    * poco decidido = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * poco definido = blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco denso = rarefied.
    * poco deportivo = unsportsmanlike.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco diestro = poor-ability.
    * poco diplomático = indiscreet.
    * poco dispuesto = disinclined.
    * poco dispuesto a colaborar = uncooperative.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * poco económico = uneconomical.
    * poco efectivo = ineffectual.
    * poco eficaz = non-efficient.
    * poco elegante = inelegant, awkward, dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * poco embarazoso = unembarrassing.
    * poco entusiasta = half-hearted [halfhearted], lukewarm.
    * poco envidiable = unenviable.
    * poco estable = unsettled.
    * poco estético = unaesthetic.
    * poco estimulador = unchallenging.
    * poco estimulante = unexciting, uninspiring, unmoving.
    * poco estricto = lax.
    * poco ético = unethical.
    * poco evidente = unnoticed, unnoted.
    * poco exigente = untaxing, undemanding.
    * poco favorable = unpromising.
    * poco favorecedor = unflattering.
    * poco fiable = unreliable, undependable, flaky [flakey].
    * poco firme = tenuous, rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.].
    * poco flexible = monolithic, inelastic.
    * poco frecuente = infrequent.
    * poco fructífero = unfruitful.
    * poco gratificante = unrewarding, unsatisfying.
    * poco grato = unwelcome.
    * poco hábil = poor-ability.
    * poco habitual = unaccustomed.
    * poco halagador = unflattering.
    * poco halagüeño = unflattering.
    * poco hospitalario = inhospitable.
    * poco idóneo = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco iluminado = dimly illuminated.
    * poco imaginativo = unimaginative.
    * poco importante = menial, small-time.
    * poco impresionado = unimpressed.
    * poco informativo = uninformative.
    * poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poco inteligente = unintelligent.
    * poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco interesante = dull, jackdaw, uninteresting, uninspiring, unremarkable.
    * poco juicioso = injudicious.
    * poco justificado = ill-justified.
    * poco listo = underprepared.
    * poco maduro = underripe.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poco materialista = unworldly.
    * poco memorable = forgettable.
    * poco mundano = unwordly.
    * poco natural = unnatural, stilted.
    * poco nítido = untidy.
    * poco normal = unnatural, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco novedoso = trite.
    * poco original = unoriginal.
    * poco ortodoxo = unorthodox.
    * poco poblado = thinly populated.
    * poco práctico = impractical, awkward.
    * poco preparado = underprepared.
    * poco probable = unlikely, far-fetched [farfetched].
    * poco productivo = unproductive.
    * poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
    * poco profundo = shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.].
    * poco prometedor = bleak, unpromising.
    * poco propicio = unpromising, unpromising.
    * poco provechoso = fruitless, unrewarding.
    * poco prudente = ill-advised, ill-judged.
    * poco pulido = unpolished.
    * poco razonable = unreasonable.
    * poco realista = unrealistic, unreal, unwordly, way out in left field, airy-fairy.
    * poco recomendable = inadvisable.
    * poco refinado = unrefined, unpolished.
    * poco rentable = uneconomical.
    * poco representativo = unrepresentative.
    * poco romántico = unromantic.
    * poco sabido = little known.
    * poco saludable = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco sano = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco seguro = dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.].
    * poco sensato = ill-advised, injudicious, ill-judged.
    * poco sentimental = unsentimental.
    * poco serio = flippant.
    * poco sincero = insincere.
    * poco sistemático = sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.].
    * poco social = unsocial.
    * poco sofisticado = elementary, unsophisticated, corn-fed.
    * poco sólido = insubstantial.
    * poco tiempo = short while, short time.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * poco tradicional = untraditional.
    * poco unido = loosely knit.
    * poco uniforme = patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.].
    * poco usado = little-used.
    * poco usual = unusual.
    * poco útil = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], unhelpful.
    * poquito a poco = little by little.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar uno pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por nombrar unos pocos = to name a few.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * pretexto poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * quedar un poco = be some way off.
    * quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * resultar poco fructífero = prove + unfruitful.
    * roer poco a poco = eat away at.
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * sacar poco a poco = tease out.
    * salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * sangre poco espesa = thin blood.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser poco = be under-provided.
    * ser poco agradecido = be thankless.
    * ser poco eficaz = do + little.
    * ser poco reconocido = be thankless.
    * ser pocos = be few in number, be small in number.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * servir de poco = be of little use.
    * servir de poco o nada = be of little or no avail.
    * solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * usado con poca frecuencia = seldom used [seldom-used].
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * utilizar poco = underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA].
    * vivienda poco digna = poor housing.
    * y poco más = and little more.

    * * *
    es muy poco agradecido he is very ungrateful, he isn't at all grateful
    es un autor muy poco conocido he is a very little-known author
    me resultó poco interesante I didn't find it very interesting, I found it rather uninteresting
    habla poco he doesn't say much o a lot
    duerme poquísimo she sleeps very little, she doesn't sleep very much
    viene muy poco por aquí he hardly ever comes around
    poco y nada me ayudaron they hardly helped me at all
    … con lo poco que le gusta el arroz … and he doesn't even like rice
    para locs ver poco3 pron D. (↑ poco (3))
    poco2 -ca
    muy poco vino very little wine
    muy pocos niños very few children
    hemos tenido muy poca suerte we've been very unlucky, we've had very little luck
    ¡qué poco sentido común tienes! you don't have much common sense, do you?
    tengo muy poca ropa I have hardly any clothes, I have very few clothes
    a poca gente se le presenta esa oportunidad not many people get that opportunity
    hay muy pocas mujeres en el gremio there are very few women in the trade
    éramos demasiado pocos there were too few of us, there weren't enough of us
    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco it was amazing, I can't begin to tell you
    a esta mujer todo le parece poco this woman is never satisfied
    me he olvidado del poco francés/de las pocas palabras que sabía I've forgotten the little French/the few words I knew
    le dio unos pocos pesos she gave him a few pesos
    poco3 -ca
    (poca cantidad, poca cosa): le serví sopa pero comió poca I gave her some soup but she only ate a little o she didn't eat much
    sírvele poco, desayunó muy tarde don't give him (too) much, he had a late breakfast
    por poco que gane, siempre es otro sueldo no matter how little o however little she earns o even if she doesn't earn much, it's still another salary coming in
    se conforma con poco he's easily satisfied
    poco y nada saqué en limpio de lo que dijo what he said made little or no sense to me
    lo poco que gana se lo gasta en vino he spends the little o what little he earns on wine
    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left o we have very few left
    es un profesor como pocos there aren't many teachers like him
    pocos pueden permitirse ese lujo not many people can afford to do that
    poco (refiriéndose a tiempo): lo vi hace poco I saw him recently o not long ago
    hace muy poco que lo conoce she hasn't known him for very long, she's only known him a little while
    tardó poco en pintar la cocina it didn't take him long to paint the kitchen
    falta poco para las navidades it's not long till Christmas, Christmas isn't far off
    a poco de terminar el bombardeo soon o shortly after the bombing stopped
    dentro de poco sale otro tren there'll be another train soon o shortly
    poco antes de que ella se fuera a short while o shortly before she left
    ¿te sirvo un poco? would you like a little o some?
    descansemos un poco let's rest for a while, let's have a little rest
    espera un poquito wait a little while
    todavía le duele un poquitín or poquitito it still hurts him a little
    un poco de: ponle un poco de pimienta/vino add a little (bit of) pepper/wine
    tiene un poco de fiebre he has a slight fever, he has a bit of a temperature o a slight temperature ( BrE)
    come un poco de jamón have a bit of o some o a little ham
    un poco (hasta cierto punto): es un poco lo que está pasando en Japón it's rather like what's happening in Japan
    un poco porque me dio lástima partly because I felt sorry for him
    4 un poco + ADJ/ADV:
    un poco caro/tarde a bit o a little expensive/late
    me queda un poco corto it's a bit short o a little short o slightly too short (for me)
    habla un poco más fuerte speak up a bit o a little
    D ( en locs):
    a poco ( Méx): ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? don't you read the newspapers?
    ¡a poco no está fabuloso Acapulco! isn't Acapulco just fantastic!
    ¡a poco ganaron! don't tell me they won!
    nos sacamos el gordo de la lotería — ¡a poco ! we won the big lottery prize — you didn't!
    de a poco ( AmL); gradually
    agrégale la leche de a poquito add the milk gradually o a little at a time
    de a poquito se lo fue comiendo little by little o slowly she ate it all up
    en poco: en poco estuvo que nos ganaran they came very close to beating us, they very nearly beat us
    en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come
    tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives
    me tienes bien en poco si me crees capaz de eso you can't think very highly o much of me if you think I could do such a thing
    poco a poco or ( Méx) a poquito gradually
    poco a poco la fueron arreglando they gradually fixed it up, they fixed it up little by little
    poco más o menos approximately, roughly
    habrán gastado unos dos millones, poco más o menos they must have spent in the neighborhood o ( BrE) region of two million
    es poco menos que imposible it's well-nigh o almost o very nearly impossible
    le pegó una paliza que poco menos que la mata ( fam); he gave her such a beating he almost o nearly killed her
    poco menos que los echan a patadas ( fam); they practically kicked them out
    por poco nearly
    por poco nos descubren we were nearly found out
    * * *


    poco 1 adverbio:
    habla poco he doesn't say much o a lot;

    es muy poco agradecido he is very ungrateful;
    un autor muy poco conocido a very little-known author;
    viene muy poco por aquí he hardly ever comes around;
    para locs ver poco 2 4
    poco 2 -ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little;

    ( en plural) few;

    muy pocos niños very few children;
    había poquísimos coches there were hardly any cars
    ■ pronombre
    1 (poca cantidad, poca cosa):

    por poco que gane … no matter how little o however little she earns …;
    se conforma con poco he's easily satisfied;
    todo le parece poco she is never satisfied;
    pocos quisieron ayudar few were willing to help;
    pocos pueden permitirse ese lujo not many people can afford to do that
    poco ( refiriéndose a tiempo): lo vi hace poco I saw him recently o not long ago;

    hace muy poco que lo conoce she hasn't known him for very long;
    tardó poco en hacerlo it didn't take him long to do it;
    falta poco para las navidades it's not long till Christmas;
    a poco de venir él soon o shortly after he came;
    dentro de poco soon;
    poco antes de que … a short while o shortly before …
    un poco

    ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a while;
    dame un poco I'll have some o a little;

    espera un poco wait a while

    c) un poco + adj/adv:

    un poco caro/tarde a bit o a little expensive/late

    4 ( en locs)
    a poco (Méx): ¡a poco no está fabuloso Acapulco! isn't Acapulco just fantastic!;

    ¡a poco ganaron! don't tell me they won!;
    de a poco (AmL) gradually, little by little;
    poco a poco gradually;
    poco más o menos approximately, roughly;
    por poco nearly
    I adjetivo
    1 (con el sustantivo en singular) not much, little: tengo poco apetito, I haven't got much appetite
    2 (con el sustantivo en plural) not many, few: conozco pocos lugares de Italia, I don't know many places in Italy
    II pron (singular) little, not much
    (plural) (objetos) few, not many
    (personas) few people, not many people ➣ Ver nota en few
    III adverbio
    1 (con verbo) not (very) much, little: entiendo poco del tema, I don't understand much about the issue
    2 (con adjetivo) not very: está poco claro, it's not very clear
    3 (de tiempo) hace poco que nos conocemos, we met a short time ago
    IV sustantivo masculino
    1 (acompañado de adjetivo o adverbio) lo noté un poco molesto, I thought he was a bit annoyed
    tendré que hacerlo un poco después, I'll have to do it a little later
    2 (acompañando a un sustantivo) dame un poco de agua, give me a little water ➣ Ver nota en little
    ♦ Locuciones: a poco de, shortly after
    dentro de poco, soon
    poco a poco, little by little, gradually
    poco antes/después, shortly before/afterwards
    por poco, almost
    ' poco' also found in these entries:
    - aclimatarse
    - adelgazar
    - aguantar
    - ahora
    - alcornoque
    - alentador
    - alentadora
    - algo
    - antes
    - apercibirse
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - brusca
    - brusco
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - buscar
    - calentar
    - cargada
    - cargado
    - cascada
    - cascado
    - cerebral
    - chapucera
    - chapucero
    - chispa
    - clara
    - claro
    - común
    - cruda
    - crudo
    - cualquiera
    - de
    - dentro
    - descuidada
    - descuidado
    - descuidarse
    - desigual
    - desmoronada
    - desmoronado
    - despatarrarse
    - despistada
    - despistado
    - despreciable
    - después
    - desvaído
    - disipar
    - dudosa
    - add to
    - adjust
    - aerial
    - after
    - afterwards
    - along
    - aloof
    - amateurish
    - balding
    - bark
    - belly
    - bit
    - black
    - blind
    - blow up
    - boot
    - by
    - can
    - careless
    - chat
    - comedown
    - confusing
    - cowboy
    - degree
    - derivative
    - desultory
    - disagreement
    - disingenuous
    - diving
    - do
    - dodgy
    - doubtful
    - dowdy
    - earthy
    - easy-going
    - edge
    - effect
    - element
    - evasion
    - exist
    - expect
    - fall apart
    - far-fetched
    - fine
    - flippant
    - forge
    - furnish
    - fuzzy
    - gradually
    * * *
    poco, -a
    (singular) little, not much; (plural) few, not many;
    de poca importancia of little importance;
    poca agua not much water;
    pocas personas lo saben few o not many people know it;
    hay pocos árboles there aren't many trees;
    tenemos poco tiempo we don't have much time;
    hace poco tiempo not long ago;
    dame unos pocos días give me a few days;
    esto ocurre pocas veces this rarely happens, this doesn't happen often;
    tengo pocas ganas de ir I don't really o much feel like going;
    poca sal me parece que le estás echando I don't think you're putting enough salt in, I think you're putting too little salt in;
    con lo poco que le gusta la ópera, y la han invitado a La Traviata it's ironic, considering how she dislikes opera, that they should have invited her to see La Traviata
    1. [escasa cantidad] (singular) little, not much;
    * * *
    I adj sg little, not much; pl few, not many;
    un poco de a little;
    unos pocos a few
    II adv little;
    trabaja poco he doesn’t work much;
    ahora se ve muy poco it’s seldom seen now;
    estuvo poco por aquí he wasn’t around much;
    poco conocido little known;
    poco a poco little by little;
    dentro de poco soon, shortly;
    hace poco a short time ago, not long ago;
    desde hace poco (for) a short while;
    por poco nearly, almost;
    ¡a poco no lo hacemos! Méx don’t tell me we’re not doing it;
    de a poco me fui tranquilizando Rpl little by little I calmed down;
    por si fuera poco as if that weren’t o wasn’t enough
    III m
    un poco a little, a bit
    * * *
    poco adv
    1) : little, not much
    poco probable: not very likely
    come poco: he doesn't eat much
    2) : a short time, a while
    tardaremos poco: we won't be very long
    poco antes : shortly before
    poco después : shortly after
    poco, -ca adj
    1) : little, not much, (a) few
    tengo poco dinero: I don't have much money
    en no pocas ocasiones: on more than a few occasions
    poca gente: few people
    pocas veces : rarely
    poco, -ca pron
    1) : little, few
    le falta poco para terminar: he's almost finished
    uno de los pocos que quedan: one of the remaining few
    un poco : a little, a bit
    un poco de vino: a little wine
    un poco extraño: a bit strange
    ¿a poco no se te hizo difícil?: you mean you didn't find it difficult?
    de a poco : little by little
    hace poco : not long ago
    poco a poco : little by little
    dentro de poco : shortly, in a little while
    por poco : nearly, almost
    * * *
    poco1 adj
    1. (singular) not much
    2. (plural) few / not many
    tiene pocos amigos he has few friends / he hasn't got many friends
    poco2 adv
    1. (con verbos) not much
    2. (no mucho tiempo) not long
    3. (con adjetivos) not very
    poco3 n a little / a bit
    tengo de sobra, toma un poco I've got plenty, take a little
    poco4 pron
    1. (singular) not much
    compra café, que queda muy poco buy some coffee, there's not much left
    2. (plural) few / not many
    ¿cuántos vinieron? pocos how many came? not many

    Spanish-English dictionary > poco

  • 12 giù

    ( sotto) below
    ( da basso) downstairs
    andar giù go down
    fig non mi va giù it sticks in my throat
    fig essere giù be down or depressed
    di salute be run down
    mandar giù swallow ( also fig)
    un po' più in giù a bit lower down
    su e giù up and down
    da Roma in giù south of Rome
    * * *
    giù avv.
    1 (moto, direzione) down; (dabbasso, al piano inferiore) downstairs: puoi venire giù un momento?, can you come down (o downstairs) a moment?; vado giù a prendere il giornale, I'm going down for a newspaper; andate giù in treno o in macchina?, are you going down by train or (by) car?; scendi giù subito da quella scala!, come down from that ladder at once!; metti giù quel coltello!, put that knife down!; devo portare giù le valigie?, shall I bring the cases down (o downstairs)?; buttami giù la chiave per favore!, throw the key down to me, please!; potresti tirarmi giù quel libro dallo scaffale?, could you get that book down from the shelf for me?; l'ho mandato giù in cantina a prendere il vino, I've sent him down to the cellar to get the wine; il vento ha fatto cadere giù l'antenna, the wind has blown the aerial down; non osavo guardare giù da quell'altezza, I didn't dare to look down from that height; la pioggia veniva giù a fiumi, the rain came (o was coming) down in torrents; il prezzo della benzina non accenna ad andare giù, the price of petrol shows no sign of going down // non manda giù un boccone da due giorni, he hasn't eaten a thing (o he hasn't had a bite to eat) for two days // su e giù, up and down; (avanti e indietro) to and fro: correre su e giù per le scale, to run up and down the stairs; camminava nervosamente su e giù per il corridoio, he paced nervously up and down the corridor; è un periodo che continua ad andare su e giù da Roma a Milano, he keeps having to go to and fro between Rome and Milan at the moment // giù per, down: giù per la collina, down the hill; presa dal panico, si precipitò giù per le scale, she rushed downstairs in a panic; i capelli le scendevano (giù) sulle spalle, her hair flowed over her shoulders (o down her back) // Con uso rafforzativo: la pineta si estendeva giù giù fino in fondo valle, the pinewood stretched all the way down to the bottom of the valley; studieremo il pensiero dei maggiori filosofi da Aristotele giù giù fino a Cartesio, we shall study the major philosophers from Aristotle (all the way) down to Descartes
    2 (posizione, situazione) down (anche fig.); (al piano inferiore) downstairs: il taxi è giù che aspetta, the taxi is waiting for you downstairs (o down below); i bambini sono giù a giocare in giardino, the children are playing down in the garden; c'era un mucchio di gente giù nella piazza, there were heaps of people down in the square; i calzini sono giù nell'ultimo cassetto, the socks are down in the bottom drawer; ''Volete salire?'' ''No, grazie, ti aspettiamo giù'', ''Would you like to come up?'' ''No, thanks, we'll wait for you downstairs''; ''Sa dirmi dov'è la fermata dell'autobus?'' ''é giù in fondo a questa strada'', ''Can you tell me where the bus stop is?'' ''It's down at the end of this street''; qui c'è l'albergo; un po' più giù c'è l'ufficio postale, the hotel's here, and the post office is a bit further down; a causa dello sciopero, molti negozi avevano le saracinesche giù, on account of the strike many of the shops had their shutters down
    3 in giù, down, downward (s) (anche fig.): guardare in giù, to look down (wards); è caduto a testa in giù, he fell head downward (s); il cadavere giaceva a faccia in giù sul pavimento, the corpse lay face downwards on the floor; era tutto fradicio dalle ginocchia in giù, he was wet through from the knees down (wards); sono tutti ragazzi dai 13 anni in giù, they are all aged from 13 downward (s); il traffico è scorrevole solo da Firenze in giù, the traffic's moving smoothly only from Florence down (wards); la norma si applica a tutto il personale, dal più alto dirigente in giù, the rule applies to all staff, from the managing director down.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: giù!, (a cuccia!) down!; giù le mani!, hands off!; giù la maschera!, come clean! (o tell the truth!) // e giù botte!, what a hiding! // e giù acqua!, (di pioggia a dirotto) what a downpour! // la cosa non mi va giù, non la mando giù, I won't stand for it! // su per giù, giù di lì, more or less: avrà su per giù trent'anni, she must be more or less thirty; saranno state un centinaio di persone o giù di lì, there must have been about a hundred people; da qui alla stazione ci sarà un chilometro o giù di lì, from here to the station it must be about half a mile // giù da quelle parti, somewhere round there // avere giù la voce, to have lost one's voice // essere giù di morale, to be depressed, (fam.) to be down in the dumps // Per andare giù, buttare giù, mandare giù ecc. anche andare, buttare, mandare ecc.
    * * *
    1) (in basso) down

    tirare giù qcs. — to pull down sth.

    2) (sotto) downstairs
    4) in giù down(wards)

    a testa in giù — [cadere, tuffarsi] face downwards

    giù per la collina, le scale — down the hill, the stairs

    6) giù di lì thereabouts, more or less
    7) su e giù (in alto e in basso) up and down; (avanti e indietro) up and down, to and fro

    andare su e giù per il corridoioto pace o walk up and down the corridor


    giù le mani o le zampe colloq.! get your hands off me! giù la maschera! no more pretending now! e giù botte then all hell let loose o broke out; essere giù di morale o di corda to feel down o low o down-in-the-mouth; ci va giù deciso — (a parole) he doesn't pull his punches; (coi fatti) he doesn't do things by halves

    * * *
     1 (in basso) down; tirare giù qcs. to pull down sth.; più giù further down
     2 (sotto) downstairs; abita un piano più giù he lives a floor below; il vino è giù in cantina the wine is down in the cellar
     3 (come rafforzativo) dal primo giù giù fino all'ultimo from the first (down) to the last
     4 in giù down(wards); guardare in giù to look down(wards); dalla vita in giù from the waist down(wards); dai 5 anni in giù from 5 and under; a testa in giù [cadere, tuffarsi] face downwards
     5 giù per giù per la collina, le scale down the hill, the stairs
     6 giù di lì thereabouts, more or less; deve avere sessant'anni o giù di lì he must be about sixty
     7 su e giù (in alto e in basso) up and down; (avanti e indietro) up and down, to and fro; andare su e giù per il corridoio to pace o walk up and down the corridor
    giù le mani o le zampe colloq. get your hands off me! giù la maschera! no more pretending now! e giù botte then all hell let loose o broke out; essere giù di morale o di corda to feel down o low o down-in-the-mouth; ci va giù deciso (a parole) he doesn't pull his punches; (coi fatti) he doesn't do things by halves.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > giù

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Aerial tramway — An aerial tramway is a type of aerial lift in which a cabin is suspended from a cable and is pulled by another cable. An aerial tramway is often called a cable car or ropeway, and sometimes incorrectly referred to as a gondola lift (not to be… …   Wikipedia

  • AERIAL SPORTS — ▪ 1994       The realization of an 11 year old girl s transcontinental flying dream and two more frustrating setbacks in the round the world hopes of a balloonist marked the year 1993 for better and worse in aerial sports. Victoria Van Meter of… …   Universalium

  • Unmanned aerial vehicle — UAV redirects here. For the entertainment company, see UAV Corp.. For the veterans organization, see Ukrainian American Veterans. A group photo of aerial demonstrators at the 2005 Naval Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Air Demo. An unmanned aerial vehicle …   Wikipedia

  • Professional wrestling aerial techniques — The Undertaker performing his Old School (arm twist ropewalk chop) maneuver on Heidenreich. Aerial techniques are maneuvers, using the ring and its posts and ropes as aids, used in professional wrestling to show off the speed and agility of a… …   Wikipedia

  • List of aerial tramways in Switzerland — This is a complete list of publicly available Swiss aerial tramways (excluding other types of aerial lifts), according to official timetables 2004. Not all of them are open all year. Some of them are sections of aerial lift systems that consist… …   Wikipedia

  • Happy Bottom Riding Club — The Happy Bottom Riding Club, more formally known as the Rancho Oro Verde Fly Inn Dude Ranch, was a dude ranch restaurant and hotel operated by Pancho Barnes on the site of current day Edwards Air Force Base in southern California s Antelope… …   Wikipedia

  • Blue Mountains (Australia) — The Blue Mountains is a mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia, which borders Sydney s metropolitan area, beginning approximately 50 kilometres west of the city s centre. [Gregory s New South Wales State Road Map, Map 220, 11th Edition …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Kilimanjaro — Kilimanjaro redirects here. For other uses, see Kilimanjaro (disambiguation). Kilimanjaro Kibo Summit of Kilimanjaro Elevation …   Wikipedia

  • USS Haddock (SS-231) — USS Haddock (SS 231), a Gato class submarine, was the second submarine of the United States Navy to be named for the haddock, a small edible Atlantic fish, related to the cod. A previous submarine had been named Haddock (SS 32), but was renamed K …   Wikipedia

  • Deep Bay, British Columbia — Aerial view of Deep Bay Marina with Baynes Sound, Denman Island (Chrome Island Light off its tip) and Hornby Island in the background. Deep Bay is an unincorporated area on the east coast of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada across… …   Wikipedia

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